He was unlike any boy she had met. She was intoxicated by the thought of him. He was fascinated by the idea of her. Neither of them had any idea of what was going on in the other's head, neither of them knew what the other person was thinking. She wanted to be his best friend. She wanted to be his sworn confidante. No, she didn't know him at all. All she knew about him was his name, his passion for music and that he was a huge John Mayer fan. She had no idea of what she was getting into or how she got in but she couldn't control the attraction she felt towards him. She knew that there was something very dangerous about him. She knew it the second she spoke to him for the first time ever... But there was just something very captivating about the eyes he kept hidden from the world; there was a mystic magic that the compelling and almost magnetic force of his gaze seemed to display and yet surreptitiously concealed behind the domains of his self-created psychosocial barriers. He was an introvert and he didn't speak much, quite the opposite of her vivacious and social personality. She knew he was trouble but she just couldn't seem to draw back. She knew he was dangerous but she sensed something angelic about his demeanour at the same time. The way he flicked his curly hair when it fell on his forehead, the way he curled his perfectly shaped lips when he engrossed himself in a guitar solo turned on every single switch in her body. The way he talked about his dreams and the future, like a mad scientist hoping to discover a new element, he was on his mission to create his life and make himself worthy of his own existence. She was seduced by his voice and everything about him. She knew he was dangerous but she willingly decided to jump into the well of whimsical possibilities... And she let herself sink peacefully into what she thought was his ocean of love.
"All girls with tattoos are sluts" Yes, if a girl gets a tattoo of her lover on her body, she is a slut. A guy who gets a dragon tattooed on his bicep is a stud. A girl who gets her mother's name tattooed on her arm is also a slut. A guy who gets his mother's name tattooed on his arm is such a devoted "Mammas boy". A girl who gets a paw made on her wrist with her dog's name in his/her remembrance is obviously a slut too. "Girls should be at home when it gets dark because they need to be protected." "It's not that we don't trust you, we don't trust the world." Yeah, because that's the solution to everything, isn't it? Just lock the girls away. Keep them out of sight. Don't teach them how to fight, just keep them safe. Educate them, but don't let them use their education and liberate themselves from these notions. Make them read the most inspiring books about the world and the revolutions that have ...
You do know you're an incredble writer, right? Just want to make sure...